Creating miracles since 1993


Phil S


Three years ago, before we started together, the very concept of having a life coach seemed like an indulgence for the self-absorbed or the directionless—certainly not something that could help a guy like me with a young family looking for guidance navigating a demanding career and rebooting my fitness. But you impressed me that you would be more committed to me than anyone in my life during our first meeting, and I took a chance. Three years later, I can say that we’ve accomplished all the goals I set for us, and I have the concrete results to prove it: the promotion, the incredible fitness and mobility (I’m fitter now closer to 40 than ever before), the improved relationships that have opened doors. You have been the only one in my life that could create this with me, and I am so grateful.

However, I would say the greatest gift you gave me, the reason I’ve had so many breakthroughs in so many parts of my life, is elevating my state of being and teaching me to work on this myself. Yet, this is probably also the hardest aspect of your coaching to describe. You taught me that my ideas beget my reality, and I went with it even though I’m a regular guy without The Force or any other mystical powers. In some ways, I feel the same, with the same life plan and aspirations as I had before. But, now, my head is filled with new ideas about the world, and the plan worked!

I’m someone who has always believed that anything is possible, but, when I first came to you, I was in my 30s and out of ideas for getting where I wanted to go except to keep doing what I was doing with more intensity. You’ve offered perspective, helped me see myself from the outside, listened, pushed, congratulated my successes and moved me on from the failures. Your commitment has never wavered. Thank you for everything.

Much love and appreciation,


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