Creating miracles since 1993


Matteo Merage

I am that I shine in any spotlight

Where do I begin? Well, to put it simply, Dr. Aaron saved my life.

When I first came to Dr. Aaron, I was barely surviving, taking it one day at a time. I was desperate for help. In my search for help, I had gone to several hospitals and seen several specialists, none which told me anything I didn’t already know. I had no answers and I was lost. I had no idea what was going on with me. I was in a real hole and I needed someone to pull me out of it. 

Upon beginning with Dr. Aaron, he gave me a lot of himself, his time, his energy, his patience to work with me and pull me out of this hole I was in. I can’t imagine I was easy to work with at the start because I was so asleep and sick. But he stuck with me, kept showing up, and did what needed to be done to save me. My gratitude cannot be put into words.

Almost two years later, I have healed lifetimes, plural. I am a different person, and that’s quite an understatement. I’ve spent hundreds of hours working with Dr. Aaron and have loved every second of it. Were there hard times? Oh ya. And today, I am strong, healthy, happy, and awakening, all because of the work we did. I am now thriving, rather than surviving. 

Each session we have, I transcend even farther and heal even more. We make a really great team. We laugh. We have fun. And of course, we share the beauty of doing the work together. The work being – growing one’s soul. The way Dr. Aaron works is that he allows Spirit to flow through him. So really anything is possible, and everything is meant to be. The language he uses, the work he decides for the day, it is all divinely led. This provides such a comfort and peace. And, this is not possible without Dr. Aaron, the way he shows up, the preparation, the commitment, and most importantly, who he is being.

I’ll tell you how I see Dr. Aaron: He is love, he is peace, he is holy. He is strong, he is wise, he is calming. He is funny. He is joy. He is happy. He is a leader. He is doing God’s work. He is raising the consciousness of the planet. He is an amazing individual and I’m blessed to call him my coach, my teacher, and my friend. He is family. I owe my life to Dr. Aaron. I truly don’t know where I would be. I also owe it to my father for his willingness to invest in my life, for his faith in myself and in Dr. Aaron, and the constant support he gives me in everything I do. 

Working with Dr. Aaron is a commitment, in every way you can think about it. And it is the most worth investment you can ever imagine. I would do anything to be able to continue working with Dr. Aaron because the return on investment is indescribable. Working with him has not only saved my life, but it has set me up for the rest of my life to be truly incredible. The things I’ve learned at a young age of 23 and the amount I’ve healed, I will go on in this world to do even more amazing things. There is nothing more priceless than growing one’s soul. Nothing. It also may be the hardest thing a human being can possibly do, but I promise, it is so worth it and so doable, especially when you have Dr. Aaron by your side, loving you, guiding you, and keeping you safe. 

I think that paints the picture pretty well about who Dr. Aaron is and what working with him has looked like for me. I do want to share a specific example however, to describe what is truly capable with him. This summer, he invited me to do a week-long retreat with him in his sanctuary in El Salvador. He welcomed me into his home and gave me his most for 7 straight days. In this retreat, we accomplished life changing work regarding my conscious feminine side. Prior to arriving in El Salvador, I was neglecting and not accepting of my feminine side. And after 7 days, I left El Salvador in touch and accepting and loving of my conscious feminine side. I left a different man.

I wanted to give an example because truly everything is possible with Dr. Aaron. How so? Well that’s for you to have the faith and commitment in yourself to find out. I’ll just tell you that indeed anything is possible. Dr. Aaron creates miracles.

I love you Dr. Aaron, and I am so grateful for you. You are truly the best. Thank you for being you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you, always. And I look forward to continuing our work together.

– Matteo Merage

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